Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pregnant Pause

Pregnant Pause

Twisting in the twilight of the womb
You came to be part of the world
Part of the world just as you are
with your hopes, dreams desires.

Part of the world, just as you are
with a brain that hinders your speech
hinders your smile, hinders your eyes.

A brain that demands perfection,
A brain that see's fear,
A brain that see's this beautiful world
In your own beautiful, unique way.

Twisting in the twilight world
I wish I'd done a better job
Given you a brain that craved love more
Craved eyes, and feelings
Craved touch and sounds and smells.

But this is to unwish you
and that just cannot be done
For you are yourself
with your frightened brain
your anxious eyes
and your ears that hear so much.

Twisting in the twilight world
You came as you are
My greatest teacher
and your own self.

Twisting in the twilight world
You became you.
Let the world outside welcome you.

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